Update from me

Mar 15, 2010 15:03

This is an update, mainly for my family, to let you know what is going on. I have been extremely depressed for awhile and I finally called mental health today so I could get an appointment to be reassessed. I am getting panic attacks again or else I am crying a lot. There are two reasons for this. First, I am having so much trouble with my medicines and the insurance company and my previous pharmacy, Longs. Some of the meds I take require a pre auth from the doctor every time because of what they are. If I need more than six meds a month filled it requires a tar to my insurance company. Longs was dropping the ball and often I would be out of a medicine and they would have to advance me if they could until the meds came in. If it was a med not covered by my insurance they would not try to submit a tar and get authorization they would just wait until I came in and tell me, "oh, it wasn't covered. Call your doctor". So I changed to Raley's pharmacy. My neighbor goes there and she says they are very attentive and conscientious. It is a struggle. I have a toothache and can't go to the dentist. I have trouble seeing with my glasses and can't get stronger ones.
Second, I am having trouble with my job as president of the residents association here. There are cliques and groups that fight all the time and I am in the middle and trying to hold it together. I am so very tired of hearing fighting all the time. I need a vacation.
So I am going back to counseling and I am changing drug stores and I hope that will solve the problem.
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