
May 30, 2005 14:51

Well I had an *awesome* weekend. I got much visiting time with Almendras and Qatobo. And even my kitty Fitz! I am so *RELIEVED* to not be doing any more hosting of games. That takes such a big pile of stress off my back like you wouldn't believe. But we were told that we are sorely missed and that we should start playing again - so we're making brand new characters (we just said "fuck it" to the ones that were approved in like December because we never played them, never really have the urging to play them so we've made new ones!) and will prolly play this upcoming weekend.

Other than that, I got to run around a little bit with Neko and we hit the Lakewood Value Village. They were having a 50% off everything sale and I walked out of there only having spent $7.07. I bought a funky dark brown "pimp coat" type thing. It's really cute. A tshirt for $1.00 and a pair of stretchy dark grey almost snake skin type pants that are also really CUTE! Oh and a new wallet. I needed a new one, my other one is cute but it's wearing out too easily.

And now it's quality time with The Boy. A few have asked if The Boy has a LJ and he does. You can find it at Ironrage. But be forewarned - he doesn't post much. He only got his LJ well over a year ago to keep in touch with me and read my entries. Awwww.
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