Sep 08, 2005 16:23
The internet is Very hard to have access here to and its also the worst interenet connection ive veer seen, for obvious reasons. i tried to go on here once and wrote a long ass post and then it kicked me off so..anyways. i have to piss as Always and all the bathrooms are like two miles away and i have no sunscreen on and my skin feels like its burning already from today. im still in the same living situation of being in an 8 person tent with over 20 people. no need to go into detail about How much that sucks. i woke up with an army captain sleeping on the bed one inch away from me. that was weird, even my commander is in the tent. she woke up at 4 i nt ther morning and violently threw everyones bags.... apparently i slept threw that. i believe she did it because they were getting in our walk way. i know it looks like im spelling really bad which i am but the keys are also sticking and i dont give a fuck enough to try and go back and change my typing. i met some awesome marines that were crashing here on there way back from afghanistan, afghanistan is VERY close to us maybe 100 miles i think. im already having alot of problems with being a young skinny female and older fatty sergeants being jealous and Always trying to get me in trouble. they still dont get it that nothing effects me i will always be my self, iwill always be unorganised, either to happy or too tired and always have to much make up. thata just who iam. ilawalys bitch about not being able to have 4 to 5 hour phone converstaion swith my sister and take 45 minutes showers. those things will never change so everyone needs to stop fucking with me. i wish the people in the air force had the friendships wit heachother that the marines do...oh well back home we get our own rooms and they share a room with 40 people. everything is hard to do here. making a phone call or using the interent is just freakin hard to do. i know it sound like im complaining all the itme but icant help it. i dont care i love the military just not alot of the people in it. i ve found some websites for free stuff for deployed people like hell yeah i signed up for that shit. i wonder if it will ever come. its funny theres a website and they do all this work like rasing money to mail sunscreen and cds and stuff of the sort to deployed people. if i ever find out someones mom is a part of that im going to kick their ass because they have a parent that cares. i also signed up.... so some other troops mom can send me stuff. FUCK I JUST RERALISED im drinking a "frappucion" that one of the TCNs made so i believe i just drank Unpotable water well if you dont here from me in a few days its because i drank ecoli and botchulism, lol. Great....