Apr 12, 2012 22:22
Last night I got up at 3 (Like I do.) to let the dog out. But when business was done, I was wide awake and didn't want to go back to bed all fidgety.
So, I washed the pots and pans that had been soaking since dinner. I folded the towels that were in the dryer...AND washed and dryed anotehr load of whites. I picked up the toys in the livingroom and basically gave everything a good spiffing up.
At 4 am.
And I finally crawled back into bed around 5ish...in time for the alarm to go off at 6:30.
......Then today when the supervisor was giving us our monthly review...I almost fell asleep.
She even called me out on it. o.0
She asked of I was sleeping and I said "I've heard every word." Which I had. But it was getting DANGEROUSLY close to nap time the way she was droning on and on...
and on.
But, um...probably a bad idea to sleep through a supervision meeting, you think?