Mar 14, 2008 22:06


What do you see when you are looking out of the window closest to you?   RIght now, mostly....dark.
When it's daytime, I see the front lawn. And the chainlink fence that divides the lawn from the ditch and makes it difficult to mow. And the HUGE honeysuckle bush thats growing on the fence. Past that is the street. Quiet, but with enough traffic to remind us that we're in the middle of town. Past the street is the neighbor's house. Big. Two story Sort of rust-colored siding, with a shade darker shutters and trim. Trampoline in the yard.

Who was the last person coming into your room?  Gramma.

What is the most predominant colour around you?  Hard to say in a room stacked with scraps of material and sewing notions...but....blue, I think.

What is right behind you?  The back of my chair.   An iron board. And a wall with no decorations pinned to it.  13 wasted years.

What is on today's calendar sheet?  March.  And a picture of a white sandy beach.    ((Still looking for that island vacation, Spirk))


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