Literature entry week 5: Excursion

Mar 29, 2009 18:57

This week instead of our wonderful 8am start,  Michael let us have a sleep in. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But it was all in the name of education. I've never been  to the state library before so I found it really interesting. The minute I walked into the massive library I felt just like Belle from beauty and the beast, and had the sudden urge to start spinning around in a full circle ball gown.


However, I did manage to control myself,(something I am sure michael was glad of) and really enjoyed the library visit. I learnt how much I was missing out on by not using it as a resource.
       The Shakespeare room was amazing, the detail with the carvings on the columns as well as artworks in the stained glass. I have always loved stained glass, and think it is such an under rated form of art. My grandma is brilliant at it and once I find some photos I'll put them up.... It's more dangerous than people realise. You need to be so careful with the lead and make sure you wash your hands really well. The detail of the stained glass displaed in the art gallery was just amazing. It would have taken months to complete without breaking...

Ok that's all for now. I'll probably add more later.......

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