Literature week 1: Shakespeare

Feb 26, 2009 15:18

hey y'all! I've really been looking forward to doing Shakespeare this semester he has a great way this words that I look forward to studying now as a student and also to teach when I graduate. I remember studying Romeo and Juliet in year 9 and hating it!!!! maybe it was because I was too young to understand it, maybe my teacher wasn't very good, or maybe I'm just really not a romantic. Either way, once I started studting 'the Merchant of Venice' in year 11 I LOVED IT!!!! I guess they are hard to compare, one being a powerful dramatic romance, the other a comedy but I still think that the way it was taught made it more appealing. 
     I hope that I can show my classes the beauty of Shakespeare's work instead of it being a snooze fest like it was for me in year nine. I've already been thinking about some ways that I can make it more interesting and easier to understand (I know, such a nerd, hahahaha!) like the great BBC series "Shakespeare retold" which, while not in Shakespearean language, does make the story line more accessible to young audiences.

Don't panic MG I am fully aware that Shkespeare's greatness lies in his language not just the story lines.But one thing that annoyed me at schol, was being told what things meant, rather than finding it out for myself. I found this site and I think it's pretty good. It give some definitions of words Shakespeare uses in his works, and has some pretty funny shakespearean insults

ok ok, so I know my first entry isn't very profound, but give me a chance to get settles in and I will blow your mind!!!!!!! hahahaha!
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