I have no idea why the space b/w the paragraphs is so big!
Woo hoo! I entered a...well, I don't think I'd call it a contest exactly...but Dorcester Publishing sent me an advance copy of Surrender. I had to fill out a survey to be "considered." The catch is that I havee to read it (that's almost done) and tell all my friends about it (no problem there).
G, remember when you were here before Christmas and I was looking for the first in her series of Highlander men on the American frontier? Er well, it was not released yet! LOL! And now I have an advance copy. Yay me!
I love Pamela Clare. Great history. Wonderful story-telling. Steamy romance! Hard-bodies heroes! Just what I go to a romance novel to get. :D
I will, of course, be letting all of you know about the book once I finish it. I'm about 1/4 done right now.