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How to make a simple box studio
As adorable as I think my kids are, I need some variety in my Project 365 subjects. For the past week, I’ve focused on getting back into the grove of daily photography and regular editing. Now that I’m back into the swing of things, I need to start challenging myself with assignments that use specific techniques or creative subjects. I’ve been reading up a bit on strobist information (off-camera flash and lighting) and studio photography and the more I do, the more I feel like photojournalism is more my cup of tea. Still, it would be fun to play around so I might soon look into creating a cheap little
box studio. We still have a million packing boxes left in the garage, so I could even build a sizable box studio and store it in the garage when I’m not using it.
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Easy Photo Projects. Tags:
diy photography,
project 365