Jun 19, 2004 12:28
It's the weekend. I haven't lost track of the days yet. This is the longest time that I have gone through the summerwithout having to ask what day of the week it is or talk about it being wed when its saturday.
I can't take my driving test this week. My mom was unable to call the place up due the the problems with my great grandma and all. I actually don't care. I have waited this long for it I can wait another week or so.
I'm going to go to Brusters to steal their baby cones. Those things are so cute even though they are pointless if you dont want to try out a flavor.
I think that I am just now going to get my prom pictures developed. I think it's better to wait awhile before you get pictures from an event. That way when you look at them the memoriees come back and you enjoy them much more.
I'm not entirely sure what is going to happen today. Well I do know that I have an eye appt. I will probably geta new perscription. About damn time. I will also be going to visit a couple grad parties. Don't know how long I will stay at them though. After that I dont know whats going to happen. I would like to do somehting but it doent look like thats going to happen.
Next wed is our first band practice for the upcoming year. I am actually sxcited about it. I love band and I want to get things started again.