Wow, it's been so long since I've posted on here that I almost forgot, for a split second, how to do it. My housemates and I finally have achieved the success of having internet at home! It's been a strenuous battle, I can tell you. Only took me one year to finally get it, and the connection I have now is craptastic and expensive. The fast broadband connections are super expensive and don't cover my area. We had to get this wireless thingamabob. At least it's something though. Well, what has happened in this past year?
I moved to Ireland, and worked on a show called "Skunk Fu!", which was a blast. I lived in a small town and got to live a different pace of life. I never thought I would enjoy a small town, but it was a great experience. I was very relaxed and happy the whole time. In a bigger city, there just seems to be more stress and a sense of continuous urgency. My contract ended and I moved up to Dublin in July. I've been in Dublin to present times.
Yesterday, or the day before has been my one year anniversary for living in Ireland. WhooOoo! My contract here will be ending at the end of January and I'm trying to figure out what to do next. Ireland has been a blast but I'm having a major urge to travel around Europe and to see more of the world. It's a little scary though, a friend of mine that was supposed to go with me seems to of changed his mind, so it looks like it would be a solo mission.
At work I have some good opportunities to move up in the company and grow as an animator, but I'm not too sure if that's what I really need and want at this point in my life. I've also been having an urge to go back to school for film and start doing live action stuff. I'm going to apply to this studio in Italy; I would love to hang out there for awhile. The food, the people, the weather, oh man, good times.
We briefly had another Canadian working at my company; he has been doing what I want to do. Traveling around Europe, and when he's low on cash, he looks for an animation gig, works a bit, and then moves on. Brilliant I tell ya! We may try and go to Australia in a year’s time and hang out there for one year.
I'm thinking of just doing it and start traveling after this contract. It would be cool to get a video camera and document the trip. After I'm done I can edit something cool together and have this video documentary/diary to remember my travels. I started watching the documentary with Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman called "Long Way Round". "Long Way Down" has just started airing on television now. The "Long Way Round" is basically a documentary of their motorcycle trip starting from London and traveling east all the way through Russia, then on a plane to Alaska, through Canada and the States, to end up in New York. So far, watching this has been very inspiring.
I've gotta do it, I really do, if I don't, I think it would be something I would regret for a very long time. It would be nice to have a good mate to come along with me though.