Sep 02, 2013 01:52
I am trying out a new job. It is very...jobby. Interesting work in a manufacturing setting that is Of Interest To Me, but it doesn't look like I am going to be landing quite in the pay bracket I had hoped for. As I am not (yet) as fast as they want me to be, it makes moot all of the skills I bring to the setting that I had hoped to leverage for a couple more dollars an hour. : P I'm doing a "working interview" this last week and the next, which is a combination of paid training and trial by fire. I think next week will be better, for my speed if not my pay. (And improving one could lead to the other, so we'll see.)
In related news, I haven't seen this many 8:30 am's in a row since my last bout of "can't fall asleep until ten in the morning" insomnia. My new schedule has me turning into a pumpkin at 11:30pm any night I have work, and tired enough that I seem to be gravitating towards a midnight crash otherwise. Tonight is the latest I've been up in over a week, and I'm hitting the lights in ten minutes or so.
Same old same on other fronts; Lots of 'fic in my head, not so much with the writing it out, and Fleisher classes start up next week so I'll be back to sculpting nekkid people soon.