Nov 09, 2004 18:21
thirteen random things you like:
1) my job
2) dave, candice, anth..the fam in general
3) playing piano
4) listening to my cd's while driving
5) getting foot/back rubs from davey
6) my kitties
7) eating :o(
8) doing hair
9) abercrombie & fitch
10) perfume/cologn
11) fall weather
12) tv/movies
13) wearing pajama pants
twelve movies:
1) crossroads
2) mean girls
3) romeo & juliet
4) funny girl
5) the wedding singer
6) back to the beach
7) center stage
8) the wedding planner
9) how to loose a guy in 10 days
10) when harry met sally
11) one fine day
12) while u were sleeping
eleven good bands/artists:
1) DMB
2) Joss Stone
3) Christina Aguilara
4) Justin Timberlake
5) Train
6) Britney Spears
7) Alicia Keys
8) Usher
9) Kelly Clarkson
10) Jewel
11) Black Crowes
ten things about you-physically:
1) blue eyes
2) small toes & fingers
3) dimples
4) brown/blonde hair
5) big booty
6) sweet eyebrows ;o)
7) size 8 feet
8) bitten fingernails
9) only a little bit of polish left only on my 2 big toenails from candice's wedding heheh
10) pretty awesome set of teeth
nine good friends:
1) Candice
2) Dave
3) Melanie
4) Anth
5) Kelly
6) Lanette
7) Omar
8) Lisa S.
9) my work people's
eight favorite food/drinks:
1) red lobster
2) starbux vanilla frappachinos
3) White Castles
4) krispy cream flavored original blends
5) carrabba's chicken fettichini alfredo
6) nacho's w/ cheese
7) applebee's chicken, mashed potatoes, rice
8) mexican rice from manuels
7 people you’ve kissed:in random order screw it how bout all of em, i'm so bored
1)brent ew 2)Joe 3)scuba steve 4)Clayton 5) Jon 6)Joe 7)Mike 8)Bob 9)Ian 10)Craig, double ew 11)that guy that i met at a party he was friends w/ yancy and joe...omg i forgot his name, oh well he was gross 12)Dave Scarberry 13)Dave Saladin 14)Jason 15) Michael, Sara, Laurel Candice Kelly...ew lol and the last person i ever want to kiss for ever...... my fiance 16) DAVE FORTE
six things that annoy you:
1) ciggarette smoke
2) ugly cocky guys
3) being really cold or really hot
4) being tapped several times in a row
5) headache's, or just being sick
6) not having clean clothes
5 things you touch everyday:
1) the ground
2) my hair
3) dave
4) steering wheel
5) cats
four things you wear every day:
1) glasses/contacts
2) clothes
3) shoes
4) my engagement ring
three shows you watch:
1) the real world
2) top model
3) saturday night live
two celebrities you have a crush on:
1)i don't really care
2)Justin Timberlake
one thing about yourself that you want everyone to know:
i'm truely living my perfect life right now, and i've never been happier