Oct 22, 2008 20:17
@Liv. A national conversation on same-sex marriage will be beneficial no matter the immediate outcome. Right now, you have religious zealots who just use their faith to pin everyone down. A conversation at the national level might be exactly what the country needs to re-establish the *fundamental* separation of church and state that precipitated this country's settlement by those white folk so long ago. The USSC has been a platform for bigotry before, but they are subject to logic and there is *nothing illogical about the argument against a same-sex marriage being recognized by the state*.
And like I've been saying the Mormons and Calvary Chapel ('cause I saw a billboard sponsored by them on the side of the freeway) should be stripped of their non-profit status for de facto campaigning and contributions to a highly politicized cause...esp form out of state. (Let's get started on that law degree soon Liv, shall we?)
It's not just Ellen's fault...we all underestimated this one.