Feb 19, 2008 14:22
so... to everyone who i havent spoken to:
I finally got a full-time job doing exactly what i want to do... PHOTOGRAPHY. I'm working full-time for Pierre now ever since that stupid incident at that stupid store. Now i have a REAL job and i'm getting fucking good at things. i am now becoming advanced in
album making
and all these other random programs. I'm getting paid well. I am however on a three month evaluation and after each month there will be a review, but he pretty much tells me anyway. After the three months i get paid MORE and so on and so forth. I'm also going to start assisting with photo shoots at weddings or other events and then eventually become a photographer with him.
I'm working on a myspace page for him right now, and let me tell you, it's not as easy as you think. I'm basing his profile from another photographers myspace and i have to use all these insane programs and HTML and shit. so slowly i'm also becoming a web and graphic designer.
he assigned me a program to learn and after that i'll be in charge of designing the wedding albums, so i'm fucking psyched about that.
i went from just retouching the photos in albums, to actually designing them.
this is indeed my career path and i seem to be on the right track
THANK YOU 5 AND 10 FOR FIRING ME, if you didnt i wouldve still been really really unhappy.
I got money from the 5 & 10 after i reported them, so BAM!