woooo summeritis ~ sooo bored

Jun 26, 2007 15:13

I stole'd it from Sam.

You reply annonymously with one of the following:

01- I used to like you
02- I used to love you
03- I dont like you
04- I have a HUGE crush on you
05- I'm in love with you
06- I think im still in love with you and I shouldn't be...
07- I really want to talk to you and get to know you...
08- I'm with someone else but for some reason I still have feelings for you
09- I want to marry you
10- I want to fuck you
11- I want to makeout with you again
12- I want to makeout with you for the 1st time
13- I want a relationship with you
14- I want to hold your hand
15- I'm not a fag but you're cool :]
16- I'm scared of liking you
17- I have a gf but I like you...
18- I love you but its starting to fade away
19- I lie about my feelings towards you
20- I wish you were here
21- I wish you were my girlfriend
22- I have a confession I should tell you
23- I use you
24- I miss you
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