How well (Stole from Kit)

Sep 15, 2008 17:11

do I know my SO?

1. They are watching TV. What are they watching?
Football or the NFL Network

2. You're out to eat. What kind of dressing do they get on their salad?
He doesn't eat salad

3. What's one food this person doesn't like? What's one food this person could not live without?
He hates Mustard, LOVES Mac and Cheese

4. You go out to the bar. He/she orders...
A beer, Normally a coors light draft

5. What size shoe do they wear?
10 ish

6. If this person were to collect anything, it would be...

7. What is their favorite type of sandwich?
Any kind of sandwich really, but no mustard on it

8. This person could eat ______ every day.
Mac and Cheese

9. Favorite cereal?
He doesn't eat cereal

10. This person wouldn't be caught dead wearing?
He is NOT picky about Clothes. I actually do his shopping

11. Favorite sports team?
Giants, But he really Just loves the game of football so he has several faveorite teams

12. Who will he/she vote for?
He won't

13. What is their sign?
Leo, But he is on cusp, His B-day is Aug 22, But he is More of a leo

16. How many states has this person lived in?
Two- Cali and NJ

17. What is his/her heritage?
Jewish and Welsh

18. You bake them a cake for their birthday. What kind do you bake?
My Mom bakes the cake, and is vanilla and decorated with music and football shit

19. The CD I would probably find in their vehicle is...
MMM sooo many, right now he's into Funk and has mixed CD's

20. What can you do that will guarantee a laugh from him/her?
Make up funny songs to sing from him

21. Does he/she get along well with their family?
wow this is complicated, He gets along with his mom, and with his dad somewhat, but Not his evil evil step mother

22. If money wasn't an option, I would buy him/her...
I flat-screen TV
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