All the week I had a cold, and my throat hurts a lot but well I was thinking it was just a normal cold. Like always, karma prove me wrong. I wake up this morning with my face swelled and my jaw hurting.
So I went to ER to know what the hell was going on and the doctor just look me and said that it’s maybe
mumps . She just looked at me; she didn’t touch me at all. What a help she was. I can say it was mumps by me, thank you so much.
Why I only interact with stupid doctors????
Urgh, tomorrow I have to go to my usual doctor and he will made a better diagnostic and give me some meds I hope because all my body hurts and I feel really tired. Now is like I have a balloon instead of a head. Ugh…my poor face…
24 years old and I have mumps…>_< just fucking awesome
If it’s mumps I till can’t go to the courset this week because is contagious and I’m worried because I have to be on the 80% of the classes D: