If there is not some kind of machine gun genitalia in their Born This Way number, I think I'm going to be dissapointed. Because, that video... I don't even...
As good as that cover is, I kind of hope they keep it upbeat. Because the lyrics are pretty cheesy, and given the context it could seem a bit too much like some PSA.
I just like crazy/mildy fetishised costumes, and hope that there's a lot of ridiculous and dorky dancing involved. And I'm kind of hoping that this number is literally just a celebration of being gay and it's just fabulous in it's ridiculousness. I WANT TO BE BLINDED BY KLAINEBOWS AND DEAFENED BY CATCHY ELECTROBEATS.
You saw my drawings, I think you know already that we share the same taste. Let's face it, unless they are following a strict choreography all the Kurt/Blaine dancing is lulzy and dorky. Sometimes *even* when they are following a proper choreography.
These are awesome though. Good job. <3
Yeah, I rather have them being obnoxious fabulous. And Birtt has to mention unicorns.
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