Glee Grilled cheeesus episode was just so much baww...... I loved it ;;
Where do I start? not even five minutes into the epp and I was already crying.
Kurt's checking himself makes me think of James Dean.
I’m sure I’m not the only one who notice the physical and emotional distance of this scene. I don’t think that Kurt trust Will and Emma (or, other adults that are not his dad) very much. Perhaps Sue, but I'm a sucker for Sue/Kurt scenes, so I'm biased.
Brittany doing that crayon thing for Kurt was so cute, aww ;; I love her so much.
“Sorry, but if I wanted to sing about Jesus I’d go to church. And the reason I don’t go to church is because most churches don’t think very much of gay people. Or women. Or science.”
Kurt’s a humanist, hands down. And Mercede’s voice is awesome, even if her comments after.
It might be me but Finn’s head looks so big compared to Rachel’s O.o Perhaps it’s his hair, or the fact that Rachel is small. And I lolled so much at the end of the scene.
Thank you grilled Cheesus!
Finn, you are adorkable. Never lose that part of you.
I usually love Santana but this was too mean: 'I hope you are happy, Kurt'
WTF WOMAN :| His Dad’s dying.
I liked the small nod Artie gave at Will’s comment about how Kurt has the right to speak his mind. These kids never heard of atheists before? Please, some tolerance.
If Finn has so much faith and he was so pissed that no one told him about Burt sooner why isn’t he asking the sandwich for Burt’s recovery? I need to remind myself that this show is about teens that only focus in the problem they have in front of their eyes at the moment. That and the fact that his scenes were mostly for comic relief.
‘Why are we in the park?‘
I honestly have no idea either, Finn, I'm with you here. A pray is a pray, you can't do it everywhere.
I knew that Rachel was going to sing the ‘Papa can you heard me’ song and I knew that (even if she sings Barbara wonderfully) it was going to have no sense whatsoever in the context of the episode. *Sighs* Finn or Kurt should have sang that song (but she not being selfish or once, and that’s an interesting change.)
I still dislike the super dramatic faces she does while singing. It looked to me that she was just trying to reproduce the scene in the movie thanks to the way she looks around.
Funny how Kurt’s clothes in the next scene where exactly like Yentel’s.
At the beginning he also looked like he wanted to murder Rachel when she was singing to her dad. I can’t blame him. I get pissed when Rachel touched Burt. And specially at the ‘Who’s next’, like they were doing a concert or something :/
And this whole scene..I cried so much. Lil Kurt is adorable and I love how such of a good daddy Burt is.
I’ve never noticed Mercede’s nose piercing before O.o
Emma and Finn amuse me so much. That poor woman had to deal with a lot of silly stuff.
I love some Kurt and Finn bromance but someone needs to tell the guy that ‘Losing my religion’ is not ……..exactly about religion ;)
Mercedes, don’t drag a friend to your church and then tell them all that he doesn’t believe in god. Just don’t. And why does he ‘need to believe in something sacred’, if he doesn’t want?
Kurt hat was indeed all sort of fabulous and I want it.
I loved Mercedes’ hair the whole episode ♥ She looked really pretty. I have no words to describe Kurt’s face when everyone stood up and sing, and alter someone held his hand. The poor thing just wanted to run away from there, in my opinion.
Less than 15 seconds of Sue/her sister scene and I was crying again ;;
“I’m sorry about the other day, dad. I should’ve let those guys pray for you. It wasn’t about me, it was about you. And.. It was nice. I don’t believe in God, dad. But I believe in You. And I believe in us. You and Me, that’s what’s sacred to me. And I am so sorry I never got to tell you that.”
;; /crying a river at this part. AJShkjagsjaghags my heart. Soemone give this kid an Emmy already.
And the full version of ‘What if god was one of us is lovely, why did they cut Quinn/ Santana/ Kurt’s part?
Click to view
And…wtf Finn that sandwich is like, two weeks old D8 Shouldn't Cheesus be getting moldy by now?
One last note; I’m Christian, and my dad died of cancer (after a long, painful, year) just two years ago. I miss him more than anyone and I always want to cry when I think of him (I’m kind of crying while writing this). And I still I found this episode interesting and heartbreaking.
I’m sure some loved it and others hated it, the only thing I have to say about the episode and religion in general, is that you either have faith or you don’t. It’s a personal choice and it doesn’t matter if you call him Ala, Buddha, or Cheesus.
Love you all, people~