Alrighty, I'm not in a very good mood (See above), and I decided I will keep myself busy with a survey found on Rach's LJ. (brandnewisgod, by the way)
Oh, it's apparently Adamo Ruggiero's birthday (which I sadly completely forgot about), so happy birthday to him! I would post screencaps, but I don't wanna. I'm lazy.
Alrighty, here we go with the survey!
Your full name:: Not allowed to say. But my first name is Laura, and my initials are LYL (hence my username)
Age:: 14
Height:: Uhh...5'4"ish?
Natural hair colour:: Dark brown or black, whatever your opinion is
Eye colour:: Same as above
Number of siblings:: None
Glasses/contacts?:: Both. I want to get emo glasses with rhinestones, though...(LOL, Rach!)
Piercings:: One in both ears.
Tattoos:: None.
Braces?:: None.
Colour:: Hey! It's spelled with an 'u'! Haha, sorry. Anyway, at the moment, purple.
Band:: Do I have to choose? I can't pick...
Song:: Can't choose those either.
Stuffed animal:: Umm...I dunno.
Video game:: Pokemon Stadium!!! Haha, just kidding. I've played Super Smash Brothers with my friend's little brother a couple of times, though.
TV show:: Degrassi: The Next Generation
Movie:: Umm...
Book:: I've got too many favorites.
Food:: Cookies! And ice cream and candy and brownies and a whole bunch of other things!
Game on a cell phone:: I dunno. I don't have a cell phone, and none of my friends or parents let me near their cell phones.
CD cover:: I never really thought about that...
Flower:: I never really thought about this either.
Scent:: Juniper Breeze from Bath and Body Works is nice.
Animal:: Koala.
Comic book:: I don’t read comic books.
Cereal:: Umm...Apple Jacks?
Website:: and Mugglenet and other various web sites. And my web site!! Though it's not ready yet...
Cartoon:: Erm. I dunno.
Play an instrument?:: Not at the moment. I've played the clarinet, the violin, and the piano, though.
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?:: Hell no.
Like to sing?:: Oh yes. I'm nowhere near as good as my friends, though, so I don't sing too much when I'm around them...They make me feel bad.
Have a job?:: Ha, no.
Have a cell phone?:: Sadly, no.
Like to play sports?:: Nope. I'm not athletically inclined at all.
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: Nope. I don't really want one. I don't know any guys that are worthy of me. ;)
Have a crush on someone?:: Not at the moment, no.
Live somewhere NOT in the united states?:: No...I live in Michigan. I'm planning to stow away to Canada or England, though. Haha, just kidding.
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?:: No, two. What's the point of having 5 TVs when there are 3 people in your family?!?!
Have any special talents/skills?:: I write stuff...and I sing sometimes...and other stuff. I'm not especially good at much, though.
Excercise daily?:: No. I'm a lazy bum and I like sitting around the computer all day.
Like school?:: What kind of insane person does?!?!
Sing the alphabet backwards?:: Why would I want to?
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?:: I've never tried.
Speak any other languages?:: Korean. And I'm learning Spanish in school.
Go a day without food?:: NO WAY! I like food.
Stay up for more than 24 hours?:: Yeah. Easy peasy.
Read music, not just tabs?:: Yeah. Not like that'll help me much in life.
Roll your tongue?:: Oh yes. At my friend's school way back when, all the popular kids could do it, and so she learned and she made me learn, too.
Eat a whole pizza?:: Probably. I've never been hungry enough to try it, though.
Snuck out of the house?:: Ha, no.
Cried to get out of trouble?:: I've probably done that loads of times...Seeing that I have no siblings to blame.
Gotten lost in your city?:: As if my parents would let me out of their sight. Except when I'm at school or something.
Seen a shooting star?:: No.
Been to any other countries besides the united states?:: Canada, Korea.
Had a serious surgery?:: Not that I'm aware of.
Stolen something important to someone else?:: No.
Solved a rubiks cube?:: I've only seen a Rubik's Cube twice in my life...
Gone out in public in your pajamas?:: Depends on what you think of as public. I've gone outside and out in the open, but nobody was near enough to know who I was. And nobody cared anyway.
Cried over a girl?:: No.
Cried over a boy?:: That would be a waste of my time.
Kissed a random stranger?:: Nope.
Hugged a random stranger?:: Nope. Again, my parents would never let me out of their sight enough to let me hug a random stranger.
Been in a fist fight?:: No, but I've been imagining having a few fist fights...Of course, I always win.
Been arrested?:: Not yet. And I don't plan on it, either.
Done drugs?:: Hell no.
Had alcohol?:: Definitely not.
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?:: No. I've never had anything come out of my nose like that.
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:: I've always resisted the temptation to.
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?:: Nope. That'd be funny, though.
Swore at your parents?:: Nope. I always swear out of their hearing.
Been to warped tour?:: I wish.
Kicked a guy where it hurts?:: Another thing that I've resisted the temptation to do.
Been in love?:: No.
Been close to love?:: I don't think so. Since all the guys I've liked ended up being asses anyway.
Been to a casino?:: Yeah
Ran over an animal and killed it?:: Nope.
Broken a bone?:: Yup, my leg.
Gotten stitches?:: I don't think so.
Had a waterballoon fight in winter?:: That's a great idea!!! Darn, it's not winter yet.
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?:: Ewww, no!
Made homemade muffins?:: My parents don't let me near the oven, either.
Bitten someone?:: No...
Been to disneyland/disneyworld?:: Yup.
More than 5 times?:: If you add the times I've been to both of the parks, you get 2...
Been to niagra falls?:: More than enough times, really.
Burped in someones face?:: Nope.
Gotten the chicken pox?:: Yup, a long time ago.
Brushed your teeth:: This morning.
Went to the bathroom:: It's not like I count the minutes since I've gone to the bathroom.
Saw a movie in theaters:: Last Friday. Harry Potter! YEAH!
Read a book:: I haven't finished a book in a while, but I read a bit yesterday.
Had a snow day:: This past winter.
Had a party:: I haven't had a party in forever, but I went to a party last Friday.
Had a slumber party:: SLUMBER PARTY? I said I hadn't had a party in forever, and that includes SLUMBER PARTIES.
Made fun of someone:: I can't make fun of people when my cousins are around since they'd tell on me and I'd get in a shitload of trouble, so it'd have to be on Monday...
Tripped in front of someone:: Oh, I did that like an hour ago.
Went to the grocery store:: My mom doesn't take me grocery shopping anymore since all I do is make her mad by annoying her.
Got sick:: I dunno. It was a while ago.
Cursed:: Again, because of my cousins, not in a while. Though I guess I've "cursed" in this entry.
Fruit/vegetables:: Fruit. Who the hell would pick vegetables?!?!
Black/white:: Black.
Lights on/lights off:: Off.
TV/movie:: TV. Degrassi!!!
Car/truck:: Car.
Body spray/lotion:: Uh, spray?
Cash/check:: Cash.
Pillows/blankets:: Pillows.
Headache/stomach ache:: Headache.
Paint/charcoal:: Paint, because it's in all different colors and you can flick it at people and they get mad.
Chinese food/mexican food:: Chinese.
Summer/winter:: Summer! Except it's really hot, and I don't like that too much, but whatever.
Snow/rain:: Snow.
Fog/misty:: Fog.
Rock/rap:: Rock. I don't like rap much.
Meat/vegetarian:: Vegetarian.
Boy/girl:: Boy.
Chocolate/vanilla:: Chocolate!!!
Sprinkles/icing:: Sprinkles!!! Because they can get messy and all over the floor!
Cake/pie:: Cake. If it's chocolate.
French toast/french fries:: French Fries. Whatever happened to Freedom Fries?
Strawberries/blueberries:: Strawberries.
Ocean/swimming pool:: Ocean.
Hugs/kisses:: Kisses. Well, it depends on the person. ;)
Cookies/muffins:: COOKIES!!!
p33n/bewbz:: I’m pretending that question wasn’t in there. <--Me, too!
Wallet/pocket:: Wallet.
Window/door:: Window.
Emo/goth:: Emo.
Pink/purple:: Purple.
Cat/dog:: Dog.
Long sleeve/short sleeve:: Uh, short?
Pants/shorts:: Pants. Except when it's REALLY hot.
Winter break/spring break:: Winter break.
Spring/autumn:: Autumn.
Clouds/clear sky:: Clouds.
Moon/mars:: Moon.
How many friends do you have?:: A few. Not including internet friends.
What are their names?:: And why do you care? For security purposes, I'll keep the names confidential. HA!
Do you have a best friend?:: Maybe. Maybe not.
Have you ever liked one of your friends?:: No...Well, I mean, I've had a crush on a guy that I knew pretty well, but we don't hang out too much. Gah, I'm confusing myself now.
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?:: Girl friends.
Have you ever lost a friend?:: How do you define "lost"? I've ended friendships with people, but none of my friends have died or anything.
Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend?:: Yep. With a big group of friends, really.
Whats an inside joke between you and a friend?:: Just one? Hmm...Too many to pick from!
Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend?:: Pretty big, but not that big. We're still friends, so it's not a big deal.
Whats the nicest thing youve ever done for a friend?:: Uhh...I'm nice a lot, so I can't pick just one thing! ;)
Whats the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you?:: Erm. They don't do much for me, really...Haha, just kidding.
Do you miss any of your old friends?:: What old friends? It's not like I've moved or anything...I've only gotten new friends. Well, I'm not friends with a few people anymore, and no, I don't miss them.
What friend have you known the longest?:: Hmm. Heather. Since, like, 1st grade.
Do you regret anything youve done to a friend?:: I regret becoming friends with them in the first place. Just kidding, of course!
If so, what is it?:: See above.
How often do you spend time with your friends?:: I dunno. A lot.
Do any of your friends drive?:: Sadly, not yet. Once one of them starts to, though, we're all going to ambush her and make her drive us all around the place.
Has a friend of yours ever died?:: I think I mentioned before that none has.
Whats the dumbest thing youve done with a friend?:: Too many dumb things to decide what's the dumbest.
What do you think your friends think of you?:: Ask them.
Have you ever been in love?:: I believe this question has already been asked, and there's no way I'm replying twice.
If you have, with who?:: If I had ever been in love, I wouldn't say who.
Are you single?:: Yes, thank goodness.
Are you in a relationship?:: If I'm single, what do you think?!?!
If so, for how long?:: I've been in a relationship with my non-existent boyfriend, for like, 20 years! And I'm only 14!
Do you believe there is someone for everyone?:: That'd be nice to believe in.
What is your idea of the best date?:: How would I know? I'll let you know once I've been through it.
*Rach apparently cut a chunk of questions out, here.*
Slippers:: Bunnies
Hat:: Tassels.
Hard:: Rock.
Space:: Outer.
Taste:: Buds.
Good charlotte:: Ugh.
Red:: Roses.
Deep:: End.
Heart:: Beat.
Cord:: ??
Cheese:: Pizza.
Work:: Lyddie.
Pedal:: Bicycle.
Head:: Helmet.
Bed:: Pillow.
Fluff:: Fluffy, the three-headed dog in Harry Potter.
Hardcore:: Rock.
Race:: Running.
Knife:: Suicide.
Jump:: Cliff. (Uh oh, am I getting suicidal?)
I....:: Okay...?
am:: What is up with these questions?
want:: Food.
need:: Food.
crave:: Food.
love:: Food.
hate:: Not food. :-D
did:: Eat.
feel:: Keyboard.
miss:: Hit.
am annoyed by:: Lots of things.
would rather:: Eat.
am tired of:: Lots of things.
will always:: Like to eat. Can you tell I'm hungry?
What is your favourite genre of music?:: Erm. Rockish emoish stuff?
What time is it now?:: 5:03 Michigan Time.
What day is it?:: Erm...Wednesday.
Whens the last time you called someone?:: I don't call people. They call me. :)
How much money do you have right now?:: Nothing with me.
Are you hungry?:: Have you noticed a bunch of my answers previously?
Whatcha doin?:: Taking this survey. And stuff.
Do you like parades?:: Not really.
Do you like the moon?:: No, I absolutely hate it. *wonders at the sanity of the person who made this survey*
What are you going to do when youre done with this?:: Do other things on the computer. Maybe see if I can get work done for my site, even though this isn't my computer.
Isnt cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over?:: *wonders again at the sanity of the person who made this survey* Who repeats cup over and over and thinks it's a funny word?!?!
If you could have any magical power what would it be?:: *shrugs* I dunno. How 'bout the magical power to have any magical power I want at any time?
Have you ever had a picnic?:: Oh yes.
Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young?:: Of course! That took up most of my time when I was little...*snorts*
What about sock em boppers?:: No. I wanted one, though. Yeah, right.
Are you wearing any socks right now?:: No.
funny?:: Occasionally. More stupid funny or sarcastic funny than outright funny, though.
pretty?:: Hell no.
sarcastic?:: Of course not. Note the sarcasm there.
lazy?:: Oh yes.
hyper?:: If you get me enough sugar...
friendly?:: To people worthy of my companionship. Just kidding!
evil?:: Oh definitely. I have many evil plans to take over the world. Note the sarcasm again.
smart?:: At times. I rarely feel smart, though, since a few of my friends are complete geniuses.
strong?:: Not especially.
talented?:: Not really.
dorky?:: Most definitely.
high:: Uhh...
skip:: See above.
dance:: Danielle.
lonely:: Me! Nothing wrong with being lonely!
pen:: Me again! I like pens.
flower:: Um.
window:: I don't associate words with people! I associate words with words!
psycho:: Heather. Teenibopper insane. Must send her to counselor after taking this survey. ;)
brain freeze:: I remember there was this one commercial for some type of popsicle...The guy in that commercial.
orange:: Kel from Kenan and Kel. Orange soda!
sassy:: Erm.
jelly:: What utterly random words.
suicide:: If I was drinking something, I think I would've spit it out all over the computer screen. Who would be for suicide?!?!
love:: Neutral?
drunk drivers:: Against. Morons who choose to drink and then be more moronic and drive do not deserve to have support.
airplanes:: What the hell? No, I'm totally against airplanes. Note some more sarcasm.
war:: Against. People fighting against each other is not for me.
canada:: For!!! Definitely! I Heart Canada. One of the places I plan to take over first with my oh-so-evil plans to take over the world.
united states:: For, I guess, considering I live in it.
rock music:: For.
gay marriage:: For.
school:: Against. Well, I dunno. Some people sure need to be smarter.
surveys:: Neutral. Some can be utterly stupid.
parents:: Umm...Against some of the time. They can be useful sometimes...
cars:: For.
killing:: Against. I don't mind people killing bugs, though. I don't like bugs.
britney spears:: Against. I had Toxic stuck in my head this morning, and it was extremely annoying.
coffee:: It smells good. But it tastes nasty.
pants:: For. Why would anyone be against pants? Well, maybe some of the guys in my school who show a whole lot more of their boxers than necessary.
Sky dive?:: Do you think I'm that brave? And that crazy?
Play strip poker?:: Hell no. I don't even know how to play poker very well...
Run away?:: I don't think so.
Curse at a teacher?:: Nah. Curse about, maybe.
Not take a shower for a week?:: Eew. I'd get all sweaty. Sweaty is bad.
Ask someone out?:: Probably not. I'm a wimp.
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?:: What kind of situation would require that?
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?:: Oh yeah! I'd love that!
Go scuba diving?:: Uh, maybe.
Write a book?:: I attempted that once. It didn't work out.
Become a rockstar?:: That'd be fun!! Haha.
Have casual sex?:: Definitely not.
What shampoo do you use?:: I dunno. I'd have to go look in the shower at home, and considering I'm in Washington, D.C. right now, I can't go look. I'm too lazy anyway.
Whens the last time you did something sexual with the opposite sex?:: Uh, never?
What kind of computer do you have?:: I dunno. Again, I'm in Washington, D.C. and this isn't my computer.
What grade are you in?:: I just finished 8th.
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?:: That'd be fun, but I've never done it, no.
Or just make out?:: With who, may I ask?
How many posters do you have in your room?:: Sadly, none. I really ought to get some.
How many cds do you have?:: I can't count them, considering I don't have them all with me.
What time is it now?:: 5:21 Michigan Time.