History Lesson

Jan 08, 2007 03:03

It's late, I'm awake when the world sleeps as it nears 3am and thoughts of the future plays tricks on my mind.

I decided to proceed with a discussion about war. Being a very hot topic in the previous as well as future years, I feel like today I will share a history lesson with those who care to discuss or care to read further...

War. Three letters that rip and tear at everyone of us differently. Some look at war as a necessity for population control. Some find it meaningless. As for me, well I don't see war as a necessity for population control nor do I find it meaningless. You see I skate on the outer edge of a long time controversy over something that has been decided on a long time ago.

What do I mean? Well lets just say that all my long hours of Art History classes paid off. Now before you laugh and tsskk about that last line, I will tell you that to learn of the human existence is more than a modern day history class. Art history is perhaps the best way to tackle where we evolved what we learned and what we still have yet to understand. And because of this I will also tell you that too look back to the earliest remains of mankind's first step on this earth is a milestone to the people we are today.

With that said, I challenge anyone out there who finds no reason for war to please stand up. You are my opponent. You see, I have already set the stage for a war without ever doing more than devising an alternate view from another. It may be small, but the existence is still there waiting to be fed and waiting to grow.

War is a part of human existence as much as air and water. It may not be right, but the fact remains that we are trained to fight those who pose danger, challenge our survival, and all in all oppose us. It's a sad fact in a world with more and more wishing change but just as many proving that change is an un-found hope that will never win. To look back through all the years, war existed. It was actually much worse in certain times than what we live through now. But I challenge everyone to find a parent, grandparent, and someone from every generation and ask if they lived a life where war and conflict didn't exist.

People tend to put a vain expectation on our existence that we can control the need to fight, but what they don't realize is that to put that expectation is to expect us to release our instincts. People forget that we are animal in nature, and while we have evolved and adapted, we still have instincts that creep out when threatened. Are we not all just trying to survive in a scary deadly world? Don't agree...take away all luxury, food, shelter, and survival items and throw a handful of people onto an island. Now tell me that these people will live civilized for the remainder of their stay. They may fight it, but in the end their survival instincts kick in throwing every civilized learned behavior right off the island.

You can take the cat out of the wild but you can't take the wild out of the cat. Not all the way. You can domesticate, but the wild instincts lie under the surface just waiting to emerge when needed.

So, it may be a sad truth that we live in a world consumed with hate and fighting, but to rant and rave and most of all BLAME is a misguided attempt to cover up the real reason these things exist. People seldom want to accept that we are all just animals roaming a forced/tamed earth. We may be civilized, but threaten and we fight back. Come into our private area, and we fight back. Challenge my survival, and I fight back. It's in our nature, and people never fail to do what is in their nature to do.
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