ficathon pimpage

May 07, 2008 09:22

Have you been sorely missing your favourite show now that it's been cancelled/ended? Do you lament the fact that there isn't enough fic being written in that fandom? Especially as it's an awesome show that deserves to be remembered?

If you answered yes - or even now - head on over to oldschoolfic for..well....old school fics. Er, sorta. It's a ficathon, but based solely on shows that are no longer being produced. There really aren't any limits in the list fandoms you can request/offer to write in, except for those that have huge LJ presences (ie. HP, LoTR, etc). Which, I think, is fair. This ficathon is for the fandoms that have gotten smaller over the years.

So, if you want to write/request something in Dark Angel, Buffy, Angel, Battlestar Galactica (classic), Kindred: The Embraced, Alias, Profiler, Pretender, Roswell, Dawson's Creek, The OC, Party of Five or any of the dozen other fandoms there, go sign up and make this a wonderful ficathon. (Though I am deeply saddened by the lack of M7 in the list.)

You can sign up until May 20th [here]. There is also a list of offered/requested shows to help you remember what hasn't been on in awhile, [here].


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