[Day 9] - Recs: Crossovers

Feb 09, 2008 12:20

It's Day 9 of 14valentines and today's issue is Politics. The post can be found -> [here]

Recs: Crossovers

Angels at the Roadhouse by Mhalachai
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The little red-head sitting at the Roadhouse bar was supposed to have been the least of Ellen's worries.

Pimp: This one is actual a series consisting of three stories. Even though overall the stories are short-ish, I fell in love with this series. The author captures Ellen and Willow and Angel in a wonderful way, and I can actually hear the characters in my head as I read. I guess this could really be labelled as het, what with the Ellen/Angel scenes, but despite the fact that I'm reccing the whole series, I'm mostly interested in the second fic. It's Willow at the Roadhouse, and Angel calls around and ends up finding her. The characterizations in that story alone made me love it, enough to overlook the hokey plot 'twist' in the third part.

"I'm just... drinking," the girl said reluctantly.

"I'm Dean."

"That's a nice name." The girl went back to staring at her glass.

In spite of herself, the corner of Ellen's mouth twitched. *Burn*.

The Life of Brian by echo
Rating: PG-15
Summary: Severus Snape gets the guardianship of a certain key.

Pimp: Ok, here's a new fandom for you all - Harry Potter. And BtVS. Specifically, Dawn/Draco. Most people in the Buffy-verse will recognize the author, but I felt the need to impress upon everyone the total awesomeness of this particular fic. Remember that date Joyce went on the night before she died? A guy named Brian? Well, apparently Brian was Severus Snape, and it was more than a date. In fact, it was a quicky marriage which made one cranky potion's master the step-father to a dimensional key, who he took custody of when Buffy died. This is the story of Dawn adjusting to life with Severus in Hogwarts and everything that goes with it.
The setup I found kind of quick and 'this is how I'm fiddling with canon', which all happened in the prologue and first chapter, but the way echo writes it doesn't seem tacked on. I love how echo carries off the characterization of both Dawn and Severus, and how they find a family they didn't want in each other. This is the Severus I like, the fandom!Severus. Canon!Severus is too cranky and mean and bitter, but fandom!Severus will stand in stoic silence while getting a hug from Dawn in public - in clear violation of their standing PDA rules - and merely pretend irritation while secretly pleased.
And Dawn turns into a little hellion around one boy in particular, which always makes for fun. Then some stuff happens with one of the wish demons, and Anya gets pulled into a fifteen year old body, but with her old personality. When I say 'hilarity ensued', I'm not exaggerating.

"Ladies do not stampede, dearest."

"Who said I was a lady, pops? They lied, you know." Dawn said playfully as she stood on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

She would not be allowed such things at Hogwarts. They'd had this conversation. He had an image to uphold. There was to be no kissing, no touching, and definitely no playing. And she was respectful and called him Father or Professor.

"I have told you repeatedly not to call me 'pops'. Either Dad, Father, or Snape."

She suddenly fidgeted and wrung her hands. "What if they don't like me, Dad?"

"Not like them back." He said with a quirk of one eyebrow. "It worked for me."

New York Connection (series) by crimsonquills
Rating: PG overall
Summary: After the end of "The OG", Don is left alone with his thoughts, and his secrets, and his work. More or less.

Pimp: If you really need more than the fact that it's Mac (CSI:NY)/Don(Numb3rs), then there's nothing I can really do for you. :) These guys are the sole reason I watch their respective shows (ok, Numb3rs has some other good characters, but it all started with Don). The thing I like about this series, is that there's a looong, slow buildup. So long and slow, that they haven't really 'hooked up' yet, and she's already written #9 in the series. However, the characterizations and motivations are bang on, and I adore reading this series.
I should also mention that this is a sort-of spin-off from her NCIS series 'Myths and Revelations', but you don't have to have read that first. The continuity from one series to the other rests on the fact that centaurs exist in our society, of which Don and Mac are ones - and Gibbs, but again, that's another series.
This series could actually be considered 'gen', if not for the fact that crimsonquills is edging this towards the Mac/Don pairing. (Also, I wanted to find a slash crossover that didn't involve SGA in any way.)

"It's what, four-fifteen in the morning there? I thought you said this was a cold case." Despite the question, Taylor didn't sound skeptical. More...curious.

"It is," Don admitted. He considered his coffee cup again. Was it worth gambling that Taylor would wait long enough for him to retrieve a refill? Better not press my luck. "I've been working it whenever I have a little free time. I wanted to run down the New York connection while I had a chance."

"At four in the morning," Taylor said, amusement coloring his voice. "You're as bad as I am."

recs, 14valentines

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