If anybody at all cares...
Gakked from
And via BoingBoing.net and other places....
"...the original blog post
...And what is this poisonous rubbish that causes such appalling degradation of intellectual activity? First up, a glucose drink! The breakfast of champions! Who hasn't left the house of a morning, pausing only to swallow down a couple of cans of Tango or Lucozade? I'm reminded of Bill Bryson's "Rated FIRST against the Ford El Crappo for safety!" diatribe on advertising - if a glucose drink is the only competition then Cheerios can't be doing too well against anything more sensible. But wait! Sugary energy drinks aren't the only competition! The other condition is.. no breakfast! Which actually beats Cheerios in the first half hour! Clearly, the subjects were still mulling over the pseudo-scientific crap they'd just read on the Cheerios box and couldn't concentrate on.. whatever it was they were given. In the end, of course Cheerios come out on top but it hardly tells you anything you didn't know before - as the only solid food in the experiment you might equally read the result as, Cheerios - better for you than starvation..."
....and the review of the actual 'research'
HERE "...If we leave out the amazingly bad graphics, there is still the data. First, there is apparently no attribution of where it came from, except that it was done by CDR and Reading Scientific Services. No paper citation, no link. Is that too much to ask for? While a scientific paper may still scare away people, these days nobody will run screaming away from the breakfast table when encountering an URL. To my mind any unreferenced claims like this should be regarded as "we made it up"...."
...And now I think I'm going to try and write something. Hopefully...