My friend just brought by a mid-term he's marking for a senior level genetics class.
Some classic parts: (all from the same exam)
- the use of the Chewbacca defense to explain exactly how messed up the answer is
- Monsanto Corp is evil, like Sony(RIAA) = Axis of Evil evil
- first tomato in a pedigree = Mr Jumbo, then uses Mr Jumbo instead of F1 throughout the rest of the page
- "This may be a non-sequitar, but yesterday's Dollhouse episode was bloody amazing." (Personally, I think he should lose marks for that alone, but whatever.)
It goes on from there. I don't think I've ever heard anyone use the word 'hippy' in a genetics exam before.
Answers like that deserve as many part marks as you can give them. :)
This is one exam that my friend is glad to be marking - if all the laughter is a good sign.