Jun 13, 2005 09:26
So since we have five cars (although only four of them are actually here right now) and a two car garage, my brother and I have to park outside. He usually parks on the cement pad that we had installed for the Accord a year and a half ago and I always park on the street. Last night when I got home my grandparents had blocked in the pad so he was forced to park on the street and I parked on the other side of our driveway when he didn't leave me enough room to park in front of or behind him on the street or I'd be blocking the neighbour's driveway. This morning when I woke up I couldn't find anyone in the house. They were outside cleaning up fragments of glass because some fuckwit vandalized my brother's car by smashing his window. If I'd left Magic Land half an hour earlier last night, I would've parked there and that would've been my car.
Edit: Apparently this wasn't an isolated thing. At least three other cars on my street had the same thing happen last night. I'm almost worried to even park outside now.