
Apr 01, 1990 22:38

jUsT gOt bAcK FrOm SpRiNg BrEaK.
mAnY HoTt GuYs DoWn ThErE In tHe
dIrTy SoUtH... I eFfIn lOvE ThE
BeaCh. we gOt HenNa TaTs oN ouR
lOweR bAckZ... SomE gUyS cAlLeD tHeM
tRaMp sTamPs... bUt i diDnt unDerStaNd

OMG i LoVE mY liFe!!!

<333xoxoxoxoxoxoxox<3333 tO thE mAxX!!!

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lykeomglol April 2 2005, 22:36:08 UTC
U R kewl. R U tRyInG 2 ScOrE pOinTZ wHeRe ThEY'll TaLk tO u IN thE hAllzzzz?


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lykeomglol April 2 2005, 23:19:55 UTC
PlEaSe JuST dOnT sPaZz On My, Oh MiStReSSS oF dOoOoOoOM!!!
i'D H8 ThAt.


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lykeomglol April 3 2005, 00:14:09 UTC
iS tHaTt WhYy U'vE bEeN c0mMeNtiNg 0n My JoUrNaL?!?!?!
GoOo LiStEn 2 MaRyLiN mAnS0n y0o FrEaK!


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lykeomglol April 3 2005, 02:07:55 UTC
AwW dOnT cRy! & YeAh I aM jEaLoUs Of yOo LiStEniN tO mAriLyN MaNsOn.
..cOnSiDeRiNg ThAt DiDnT mAkE ANY SeNse AT ALL.


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lykeomglol April 3 2005, 02:37:52 UTC

... )


anonymousboyz1 April 3 2005, 17:41:43 UTC
u r ugly as hell i saw ur duck bill pringles face and i bout threw up u need to get ur head out of ur ass and stop tryin to be the hero takin up for every one when no one even know who u are.


anonymous April 3 2005, 01:02:50 UTC
ok mistress of doom i for 1 do know haley and kelsie and i have for a while and sicne u dontknow them thats prolly y ur saying that cuz there both physco whores and u r 2 so go cut yur wrist duesh


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lykeomglol April 3 2005, 02:12:18 UTC
YeAh U nO tHeM cAuSe U wIsH u WeRe ThEm!
YoU tRaSh FlAvOrEd TrAsH!


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lykeomglol April 3 2005, 02:19:55 UTC
AreNt u ThAt UgLY bItCh ThAt WeArz ThOse HiGH waIst JeanZ anD uNfIttEd ThRiFt SToRe ShIrtz?! BrOwn NapPy/GreAzzzY HaIr?

WeLL, if I weRe U,
Id Mos Def Be SLIcInG AwAy.


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