
Apr 01, 1990 22:38

jUsT gOt bAcK FrOm SpRiNg BrEaK.
mAnY HoTt GuYs DoWn ThErE In tHe
dIrTy SoUtH... I eFfIn lOvE ThE
BeaCh. we gOt HenNa TaTs oN ouR
lOweR bAckZ... SomE gUyS cAlLeD tHeM
tRaMp sTamPs... bUt i diDnt unDerStaNd

OMG i LoVE mY liFe!!!

<333xoxoxoxoxoxoxox<3333 tO thE mAxX!!!

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_lipstick_lies_ April 3 2005, 02:45:18 UTC
I don't know many people that would pick on 11 year olds.
11 year olds they couldn't possibly know.
But then again, you seem to hate everyone even though you obviously don't know half of them, so why would it matter how old they were!!?


lykeomglol April 3 2005, 02:48:24 UTC
Uh-OhhH! a SmArT 11 yEaR oLd!


_lipstick_lies_ April 3 2005, 02:51:56 UTC
Wrong, I'm not the 11 year old.
My little sister is.
But I'm sure she is a hell of a lot smarter than you could ever hope to dream of being.
Then again maybe you do know her, and it would be pretty pitiful for you to be jealous of an 11 year old, now wouldn't it?


lykeomglol April 3 2005, 02:56:26 UTC
i'M jUsT jEaLoUs cAuSe I wAnTeD HeR uSeRnAmE.


_lipstick_lies_ April 3 2005, 03:01:00 UTC
You didn't want her username.
You called her a slut, it's that simple.
You are obviously jealous of all the girls you consider sluts.
Maybe because they have friends and you don't.
Maybe because they have guys that like, and maybe even love them.
Or maybe because you secretly want to be like them.
I don't know, and I don't really give a rat's ass.


lykeomglol April 3 2005, 03:13:12 UTC
i Am A jEaLoUs PeRsOn. I aDmIt.

I wIsH i cOuLd StiCk My ToNgUe oUt & loOk CoOl. I wIsH i WaS sO dArK i LoOkEd LiKe A NiGgEr. I wIsH i KnEw WiTcHcRaFt. i WiSh I pAsSed OuT fRoM ruNnInG cUz I'M so FaT. i WiSh I wAs KeWl LiKe U & liStEneD tO pEaRl JaM n AeRoSmiTh.

&UmMmM whEn DiD i CaLL uR SiStEr A sLuT? i dO nOt ReCaLL tHaT.
I gUeSs CoMmEnTiNg MeAnS u DoNt CaRe.


_lipstick_lies_ April 3 2005, 03:16:57 UTC
Why don't you just look at your interest list.
See the name CASSIDYSLUT, that happens to be my little sister.
That proves you don't know half the people you put on your little list.

I don't give a shit about what you say about me.
Start all the rumours you want to start, I don't care because I will know, and my friends will know, they are all lies.


lykeomglol April 3 2005, 03:19:41 UTC
i SaId ThAt AbOuT EvErYoNe ThAt Is On My FriEnDs LiSt.
iF u DoN'T cArE thEn wHy R u CoMmEnTiNg?
i Am NoT sTaRtInG rUmOrS. i Am StAtIng ThE oBviOuS.
<3 HeARts <3


_lipstick_lies_ April 3 2005, 03:25:26 UTC
So lets figure out what your stating the obvious about.
Hmm... the only thing remotely true is that I have a very dark tan. And I listen to 80's music.
Don't think either of those things are bad.

And do you even know who I am?


lykeomglol April 3 2005, 03:30:00 UTC
I aM nOt TaLkInG aBoUt Ur TaN, hUn.
i Am SaYiNg I wIsH i wAs KeWl lYkE u & lIsTeNeD 2 80s MuSiC.
WiTh A lItTlE hInT oF sArCaSm. :)
YeSs, i nO u.


_lipstick_lies_ April 3 2005, 03:31:13 UTC
Then what's my name little miss smart ass.
My First and Last Name.


lykeomglol April 3 2005, 03:33:25 UTC
BrAcE FaCe.


_lipstick_lies_ April 3 2005, 03:35:28 UTC
Real Cute.
Okay, I have braces.
So does half the people who go to my school.
You don't know, haven't ever known me, and will never know me.


lykeomglol April 3 2005, 03:40:47 UTC
GaH.. My LiFe GoAl Is NoW sHaTtErEd To PiEcEs.


_lipstick_lies_ April 3 2005, 03:44:53 UTC
What life goal?
I didn't know idiots knew how to have life goals.
But I'm sick of dealing with your idiocy.
So, this is my last comment on your little live journal.
All I have to say, is if I ever find out who you are there will be hell to pay and not because of anything you said about me, but for what you said about my little sister.
And I may not be very big, but I have friends, and plenty of them who would love to beat you to a bloody pulp, and I'll merely stand to the side and laugh. Laugh because you have made more than a fair share of worst enemies.


lykeomglol April 3 2005, 03:53:12 UTC
U aRe ThE iDiOt. U DoN'T uNdErStAnD sArCaSm.
& gEtTinG uR FrIEnDs To FiGhT fOr U sHoWs U r A pUsSy! :)

ByeBye BrAcE FaCe <3<3<3<3<3


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