I really do miss Rinker.
It was a good day until I came online.
So now I'm bored, sad, and rather heartbroken for a number of reasons.
I guess that doesn't really matter right now.
I had a few people that made my day very special, including Katie Quade (just now. ♥).
Oh, and Ryan motherfuckin Brisse ♥.
Derek, Travis, Beth, Pierre, Matt, Ben, Jason, Nick, Kelsey, everrrrrrybody.
Oh, and then the two people who made my day hell.
They didn't even mean to.
Thank you.
So yeah.
Chicago is so lonely tonight. I got half sunburnt in the van while I was being Derek's navigator because he sucks. Then some girl asked Jon later, "Who was that girl sitting next to Derek in the front seat of the bus with pigtails headbanging to Queen?"
Sometimes I think that Derek and I are just about amazing.
And yes, I did have little stubs of pigtails today.
It was sad, really.
(Derek's fault.)
Tomorrow afternoon, it's on to St. Louis. I'm so glad that it isn't far.
I hate driving.
I miss home.
(not Port Huron.. St. Louis, you stupid fucks.)
I also miss Maggie Landon and Rachel Kudzia. I'm pretty much madly in love with them. None of you had better steal them or I'll go ninja on your ass, kthnx.