Sep 06, 2004 18:01
so i tried taking my quiz again today. and i just didn't understand my notes or the book or any of it. so i broke down and started bawling after about 2 hours.
i feel like a fucking idiot. i mean, if i can't even do a take home quiz then how the hell am i supposed to take a test on wednesday?
maybe its cause i got all strung out friday and i've felt like shit the last couple days. and i'm so fucking stressed. i need medicine. what medicine do you take for stress?
anyways, my parents saw me crying so they said i can drop it and take trigonometry next semester. fucking academic advisor..said that i could go ahead and take calculus because of my scores on the act. and skip trig and pre-calc.
and i think that's where i screwed up. i need to go back and go in order cause my calc teacher just expects that we know these things..and its like..hello..i haven't taken trig..i dont know this shit. but anyways, that just lifted a bunch of stress. now i just have 3 different papers due in 2 weeks.