moving around like that does really suck. good luck on the house. and I hope you get the tax thing sorted out soon. So how do you figure out which LJ you're being filtered from. I would love to know. Perhaps you can tell me next time I see you on MSN.
Most of the time when you do that with mine its private entries, they show up as entries too but noone can read them.
Mine are mostly boring though, like shopping lists etc!! So I never think they are particularly interesting. Well thats what I tell myself when I'm possibly being filtered off ;)
What Lucy said- if you suspect someones blocking you from their entries, you just look at their calendar and see if they have made entries and if you click on them and can't see them, then you know you were filtered from them.
Mine are mostly boring though, like shopping lists etc!! So I never think they are particularly interesting. Well thats what I tell myself when I'm possibly being filtered off ;)
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