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Jul 09, 2006 16:00

I've had an ace weekend :)

I've sort of resigned myself to the fact that i haven't got that job, as i have a feeling i would have been told on friday if i had. Oh well, all gives me experience for any future interviews.

Friday night was great- met up with everyone and went to the Malt cross, where i got ID'd. I didn't have any ID on me and so was told i wouldn't even be able to sit in the pub and would have to leave. Aislinn did have ID, however and i managed to convince the girl that i was nearly 24 and quite happy to just have a coke. She served me in the end because she said it was actually Aislinn she thought was younger, so i got a yummy pint of that delicious cider they have in there (can't remember it's damn name!).

Phat was ace! I had chilli king prawns and then Scallops in garlic sauce for my main- fishy goodness!! I shall definitely be returning there as the menu is great.

For some reason i couldn't sleep in yesterday and so ended up waking up mega early after a late night and not being able to get back to sleep- merh :( Did nothing for most of the day except watch big brother.

Went to see Pirates of the Caribbean 2 on saturday afternoon with Nick and Jemma and various other Nottingham rocsoc people who were dressed as pirates :S I thought the film was fucking FANTASTIC. The sea creature pirates were soooooooo good! The hammer head shark one was ace and there was even one who had a conga eel poking out of his belly, haha. I thought the special effects were brill and Johnny Depp was just, mmmmmmmmmmmm :)

Went on to the White hart and drank too much wine and then went to rock city with Jemma and did lots of stupid dancing. The music was ace though!
Jemma ended up staying round mine because Nick was too hungover from friday and so didn't want to come out, so we had a sleep over, haha! Was nice to see Rachel out  :)

Karl rang me this afternoon- actually at a sensible time for once as he had been doing naughty things and as a result, couldn't sleep. He's all finished now, as last night was his last gig and he is so fucking happy. He's staying with his cousin in LA until wednesday and then will be flying home wednesday night.

His parents invited me to the airport with them but i've told him i don't think i'll be able to go because of the amount of holiday i have left. I only have 9 days and he doesn't get in until 3:30pm thursday, so i'm technically wasting a whole day by going- but fuck it- he really wants me to and i'm so excited about seeing him walk back through the arrivals bit- aaaaaaarh :D So i booked thursday, friday and monday off for a long weekend and i cannee wait.
I've not told Karl i've booked it off so i'm thinking i might surprise him and keep telling him i couldn't get the time off- woo!

*Edit*- Oh and Karl met Ron Jeremy at last nights show in San jose, as he was introducing 'Peaches'- haha errrrrrrrrrrr. Apparently he was going round signing women's tits- nice! So Karl asked him to sign his boobs, too. That guy is just grim *shudder*
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