Jul 06, 2006 16:30
Welllllllllll that went a bit shit, really. I fluffed a few of the generic, stupid questions just because of my nerves. 'Think of an example of when you've shown initiative, multi-tasking, blah blah blah'.
There were 6 other candidates. I'm not very hopeful but fuck it. It's over with and i have actually tortured myself today over this. By the time i went in i was a shaking, sweaty mess. Nice! I don't know what came over me, i really don't. I don't think i've ever been that nervous.
I just want Karl home :(
It could be sooner than i think, maybe tuesday or wednesday which would make my fucking week, it really would! Apparently i get a nice rabbit for when he comes back :D hahaha- can you imagine him being caught with it going through customs. How i would chuckle!
I don't think i will find out about this until monday and if i don't hear anything i shall assume i didn't get it.
Now i'm going to trundle off to fat club.