Feb 26, 2008 11:10

I've seen rants. I've seen raves. I've seen flaming. But I have NEVER seen the likes of what The Sentinal posted in response to Red's attack on his LJ. And, just in case he deletes it, I'm posting it here so it is forever in our memory.

The Sentinal
It seems maturity is indeed kicking in and it is not on your end. I have been following this little "debate" from the sidelines thus far because I haven't deigned to involve myself in high school politics. However, your quaint little entry tickled me just so much that I had to come in and put up my two cents.

You might or might not know me but in the be all and end all it doesn't much matter whether you know who I am or not. I'm going to crucify you just the same.

No one can "force" you to "come out" in public. And frankly, the insinuation that Chris is dating Jen just for the sex makes me laugh harder than I have in weeks. I don't know if you've known Chris as long as I have, but for the past three years that he and Jen have been dating they've been sexually active perhaps the last 8 months or so. If he was dating her just for the sex I should imagine that he'd have taken her significantly earlier in their relationship to avoid the emotional entanglements that sexual intimacy cause. Not to mention their engagement. I don't know about you, but getting engaged just for sex is a new low that I don't know if anyone is capable of stooping to.

You have too many medical problems to have sex? Well gods bless you, boy because that means you're at death's door and have a heart condition. Or do you have too many medical problems to fuck? Your grammar is unclear, another notch in your belt of "maturity," I suppose. However, if you have a medical fetish then I really, really don't want to know about your prepubescent masturbatory materials. Thanks.

Now, as to your comment about that little animated .gif of the kid blowing his brains out... I fail to see how that is in any way relevant. Are you implying that by complaining they are making you want to shoot yourself? Or how are they shooting themselves in the head by "bitching?" I must be a layman and not up to date with the current state of things and the modern vernacular, as it were. An old fogie like me couldn't possibly know anything.

Then again, maybe I do. Who knows? Ciao.
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