So Drew's got a new show that started last month. Drew Carey's Improv-A-Ganza. It's on the Game Show Network.
But it's IMPROV!!! And he brought back all the WHOSE LINE GUYS!!!
Colin, Ryan, Chip, Wayne, Greg, Jeff, Brad, and a few others.
I missed these guys so much.
They do a lot of the same games from Whose Line, with a few others that were on Drew Carey's short lived Green Screen Show.
The thing I like so much about this show is getting to see different combinations. It's great to see more of the other guys, not just the staple Colin, Ryan, and Wayne.
Brad and Chip have as great chemistry as they do with Wayne. And it's fun to see Drew playing too, even after all these years, you can tell he's still learning improv
The one who surprised me the most was Jeff!!! The man is amazingly funny. He wasn't on Whose Line much, so I never really noticed him. But he has some serious talent. I'm constantly laughing when he's up.
So yeah, If you watched Drew Carey's show or Whose Line, you should love this.
After watching so many episodes and seeing these guys again. I remembered i was into the slash side of these shows. I shipped Ryan/Colin of course. But also Chip/Wayne, Brad/Wayne, Greg/Ryan...etc.
So many pairings. It's like Prince of Tennis. XD
So I realized I never left the Whose Line Slash group on Yahoo. Went back looking through messages....I was pretty active, even wrote some fanfics 0_o.
The group is dead now, but it looks like they just moved to Livejournal and they are still active. Don't know if i'm gonna become active again, the guys are pretty up there now....
Anyways, I'll just keep enjoying the show.
I hope it lasts as long as Whose Line did.
"the points don't matter"