Atobe and Tezuka are awesome fighters

Jun 12, 2010 02:12

(well not really)

Just finished watching Gachinko Kenta Joto.  It's a typical school gang movie.

But it stars Kubota Yuki and Watanabe Daisuke.  And I'm such a fangirl for both, that I just love it!!!

Something about watching Kubobe and Dai-chan beating the crap out of each other and everyone else is just great....yeah i'm weird

Sounds like a really bad Atozuka fanfic, huh?  Or good depending on your tastes, and there was no romance.  That's always a plus.

The funny thing is I came from AMA today planning on ordering it off cd japan, along with Kubota's photobook.  But soon as I checked my friends page there it was.  My friend who was next to me thought I had lost it.  It was like fangirl mode times 10. ^^

Dai-chan makes a good gang member.  He's one of those guys I thought wouldn't be able to pull it off.  (like Ouji in Gokusen)  Boy was I wrong.

Kubota already has the look, plus he played Atobe so....yeah.

While I'm on the topic of these guys.  I saw Kato's trailer for his horror movie.  Looks like he plays the killer.  Didn't realize he could pull off such a psychotic look. 0_o

It would be so awesome if Kubota and Kato starred in a movie together.  *sigh*

I can dream though. ^_^

kato, gachinko, kubota, dai-chan

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