Feb 28, 2009 19:54
got my Smash Hit 2 today. took me a while to get the face plate off my ps2 and figure out the slide tool(shoulda got the flip top) but i eventually got it.
Maika, anyway. i suck really bad at this game. ^_^; i have never been good at using the joystick on the ps2 controller. i either run too far or not far enough. guess i'll just have to keep trying.
i'm on Iron Plate 1 on Crystal Drive now.
today at the gym I was doing my Tenimyu dance practice. and this middle aged couple asked me about it. the lady sounded really interested, i told her she can see the musicals on youtube. she was all like 'Prince of Tennis huh?' it would be awesome if i went to the gym and started seeing people do Prince of Tennis dances. XD
watched the backstage to Imperial Presence Hyotei. i just love all of these guys. they are so great.
the look Katou gave Ryounosuke when he called him Kachou was priceless. 'Domo, Atobe Kachou desu' XDDDD
and Saitou...my gosh was he always such a dork(runs to watch 1st hyotei backstage) he's up there with Tuti, Shirota, Kane-chan and Dai-chan. the Oishi stuff was hilarious.
and Dai-chan watching Ruito doing all those moves during 'Season' XD Dai-chan getting embarrased after getting caught going over his lines.
Takuya ....'Y'? XDD
Silver Pair dorkiness XDDD
talk about Crack Pairing!!! why did Dai-chan have his arm around Ruito!??? Tezuka and Gakuto...weird. XD
ahhh, refreshing
ja ne