May 15, 2005 10:05
Oh my gosh, i am so happy right now, on friday i went to the good charlotte concert w/ laura. at the last minute someone from school gave me tickets for 13th row, ( i had like 46th row or something) she gave them to me for FREE!!! the concert was amazing, the special effects were awesome, even though they took like a half hour to set it up btwn them and the oppening band... paul broke his leg or something b/c he had a cast, and had to sit down the entire concert.. :( Benji had a HOT PINK guitar that was soo cool.. i wanted to steal it. I really did not like billy's hair b/c it was like half shved off and the other half was really long.. :( i like how it was a few months ago!... anyway, yeah, chris is no longer in the band b/c of his joint problems..:( and i didn't like the new drummer as much.... JOEL however, was completely sexy as ever, he had on a whit suit jacke on when he came out, and then took it off after the first song, and he had on a sleeveless button up shirt. it was really soo fun.. i was pissed though b/c when i went online they said that ur not allowed to have any cammeras at DTE, so i didn't bring one, come to find out, your not allowed to have digital cameras, so i could have brought one, and i was gonna buy one there but they dont sell them there anymore b/c when hillary duff was there, she complained about that there were "too many flashes" stupid bitch... so i have no pictures of that night, if any one took pictures can you please e-mail them to me!!!! ( PLEASE!!! yeah, i definetly am broke now, i spent all my money at the concert. i spent ()
i bought a tshirt($20) a necklace ($10) a sticker pack ($5) a hat($25) a bandana($10) and a hoodie($35).. i am borke, but its ok cuz i worked yesterday and i have to go to work today in a few hours, and i'll probly have $300 more.
that is it for now. ttfn. TA TA FOR NOW!