Feb 26, 2005 19:31
uhhh, went to see Million Dollar Baby tonight... oh my sweet jesus its the saddest movie EVAA. i just feel depressed now...better go sharpen my razor and listen to GC...brb.
back. if you want to know the end of the movie, scroll down, if you dont, ....dont scroll down.
ok so hilary swank at first wanted to train with clint eastwood (THE MAN). he didnt want to but after much convincing, decided to. they grew very close and neither of them had any family so they just stuck with eachother. it was hilary swanks' characters' dream to win a title match, and it was clints characters dream to manage a fighter who won one, since he'd aalready tried, but the fighter lost his eye. so they make it to the title match and he makes her a robe that says this thing in Gaelic, and she keeps asking what it means but he never tells her, and the crowd calls her that. i forgot what it was though, apologies. well she ends up getting punched and falling onto a stool that clint had put onto the mat too early. she broke her neck and was paralyzed from the neck down. :-| so clint and morgan freeman watch her waste away until shes like "yo clint, kill me...like mah daddy killed our dog to put it out of its misery" (she tells that story earlier). so he debates it much with a few people, then ultimately goes to the hospital and cries and tells her the Gaelic word meant "my darling" then unplugs her repirator and injects her..and she dies. and then clint disappears because his real daughter never answers his mail for 23 years.