Aug 22, 2004 21:13
My b-day went ok. On friday my mom brought me this big chocolate cake with cream cheese filling from Costco. It is a bit much that we're going to have to freeze half of it. We were supposed to go to Ceadar Point on my b-day, but we got rained out. So I decided to go pay for school and price my books. There was so much construction going on campus that I had to go all out my way to get to the bursar's office. Gee, I wonder why they wait to the last minute to do these things? While I was waiting in line this guy came behind me standing pretty close. Like I could smell him close. Now, I don't pay petty stuff like this any mind, but there wasn't any else in line behind us. He had all the room in the world. I took initiative move to up. But he moved up with me, all up on my shoulder. The people in the office couldn't service me fast enough. Was that supposed to be game? I wanted to go off on that kid, but you never who's unstable out there.
Overall, my b-day was a mellow day. I basically wanted to chill out and watch DVD's, but my mom had me running around with her running errands. I guess I'm her unpaid personal assistant these days. Speaking of assistants, does anyone watch that show called The Assistant. Pretty funny stuff.
Livejournal is working pretty slow today.