Create Your Own Mixed Scenario.
I was talking with Celine about how Infinite has a perfect group name with a perfect number. And one thing leading to another we came to the conclusion that they should get a tv show with them being the Seven. We began with the Seven Sins and that's an interesting idea but since I'm a huge Neil Gaiman fan, I thought of his comics. So now I present to you:
There are seven beings that are not Gods,
that existed before humanity dreamed of Gods,
that will exist after the last God is dead.
There are seven beings that exist because,
deep in our hearts, we know that they exist.
There are seven beings that are called the Endless.
They are, in order of age, Destiny, Death, Dream,
Destruction, Desire and Despair, and Delirium,
who was once Delight. N.Gaiman
The Endless are a dysfunctionnal family who happen to have gigantic powers and responsabilities. They have existed since the dawn of time and have been forgotten for the same amount. Usually, every century Death has to pass some time on Earth in order to keep in touch, only this time they decided to all do this. Some of them weren't keen on the idea and managed to plead that, at least, since they were going to be Mortals for some fickle time, they should be Idols with the respect and love they should always have.
Except that they forgot that the word Idol, doesn't have the same meaning in this XXI century now... and so it all begins...
Destiny is the oldest of the Endless; in the Beginning was the Word, and it was traced by his hand on the first page of his book, before ever it was spoken aloud.There are some who believe him to be blind; whilst others, perhaps with more reason, claim that he has travelled far beyond blindness, that indeed, he can do nothing but see: that he sees the fine traceries the galaxies make as they spiral through the void, that he watches the intricate patterns living things make on their journey through time.Destiny smells of dust and libraries of night.
He leaves no footprints.
He casts no shadow.
Sung Gyu is very polite and you almost never hear him. He still has a vision in sepia even in this world but no one in the business knows that. He doesn't like to be too much surrounded since he senses perfectly what everyone will be. Without his precious management, the smooth cycles of the universe would become imbalanced, and the sometimes petty and greedy actions of the other Endless (namely Destruction, Desire and Delirium) would have incredibly destructive results. He doesn't like to be here but doesn't voice his discontent.
He already knows what's going to happen.
....And then there is Death
The beginning and the end. He's always the last one to go to sleep. As it should be. His job is quite particular and he's the only Endless who actually has the experience of being a mortal hence the others always asking him questions. Hoya is a well-meaning celebrity with a squeaky-clean image who donates to charities and sincerely wants to help people with their troubles, be they familial or around the house. Despite a shy exterior he would be very bubbly and crafty. He still believes that everyone around him doesn't like him. Because he is Death and he is feared. But he slowly gets use to be touched and smile at. It is nice after all.
Truth is, he likes to be human.
It is hard to say anything at this time about Dream. The previous Dream was a cold follower of rules, a collector of names, a breaker of his own heart. He was also a prince of stories, a friend to few, and an enemy to some. This is neither the place nor the time though, to tell his story. The current Dream seems more compassionate than his predecessor, more caring, more concerned. But it is too early to tell anything about his reign over what is not, except perhaps this: The king is dead, long live the king.
Sometimes serious and foreboding, other times cheerful and smiling, the God of Dreams' mood often depends on the dreamworlds he's been supervising. He often feels undervalued within the Endless despite being the one with the "heaviest" past. He can enter and shape everyone's dreams and he finds himself completely overwhelmed within the world of idols. All they talk about is dreams and it baffles him. He never fancied himself so important. Not in a mortal flesh.
That's why he keeps acting weird.
Approximately 300 years ago, Destruction abandoned his realm. His sigil has been taken down, and he can no longer be reached. He is not dead, for if that was so, another aspect of Destruction would have taken his place. He simply choose not to be responsible for destruction and all other facets of his domain anymore. There is still destruction and change, it is just no longer controlled.
Destruction can no longer be reached, but should you ever you meet a tall, red-haired man, carrying a knapsack, you might want to offer him some bread and cheese. He tells good stories.
Dongwoo's abilities, and curse, is that he can destroy and decay anything he touches. It's ironic of course knowing how lively and joyful he is. He feels perfect in his mortal skin: no destruction anymore. No solitude. He can't fix who he is but he can pretend.
But the pretense can only be for a little time and Dongwoo is oftenly caught in what could be scandals: fights, girls and alcohol. Destiny is always there to help him.
As usual.
It is unlikely that any portrait will ever do Desire justice, since to see is to love, passionately, painfully, and to the exclusion of all else.
Desire smiles in brief flashes, like sunlight glinting from a knife-edge. And there is much else that is knife-like about Desire. Never a possession, always the possessor, with skin as pale as smoke, and eyes tawny and sharp as yellow wine: Desire is everything you have ever wanted. Whoever you are. Whatever you are.
Woo Hyun is the epythome of what every one wants. He's been a recognized model, worked in countless hipsters mvs, could have been a distinct Chef or even aimed a Gold Medal if he wanted to. But he's also the one who's the most terrified at the idea of staying in his mortal flesh. He hates it here. Everyone should adore him and yet... everyone seems to act strange. He doesn't understand why people are not at his feet. And Dream keeps getting on his nerves.
He's starting to loose patience.
He wants to be taken seriously.
It is said that scattered through Despair's domain are a multitude of tiny windows, hanging in the void. Each window looks out on a different scene, being, in our world, a mirror. Sometimes you will look into a mirror and feel the eyes of Despair upon you, feel her hook catch and snag upon your heart.
Despair says little, and is patient.
Despair is Desire's twin brother. Handsome and mysterious, he easily distracts you just by looking at you. He usually stays silent and waits. Myung Soo finds the all industry perfect. It all feeds his work and dark soul. The all pretending laughs, the real pain behind most of idols enthusiasm is mostly welcomed by him.
You also don't want to piss him off. His quiet behaviour is just a pretense and Myung Soo can be a bit of a spitfire. He will annihilate you without even looking back if he gets a grudge (and he knows everyone's most dark secrets).
Only his brothers know the truth: that Myung Soo will only mess with the ones who are in the wrong.
But it's not alway easy to be a Tragic Hero.
Delirium is the youngest of the Endless. Delirium was once Delight, but that was long ago even as the Endless reckon, and only Delirium herself knows why she changed.
Who knows what Delirium sees?
The Goldfish. The Butterfly. Seong Joon is the youngest even in the real realm and he's so used to it that it doesn't really make any difference. Always watched by his family, Seong Jong didn't changed anything about his character to fit the human world. He has that disarming smile and effortless good nature that makes it impossible for anyone to hold a grudge with him for too long. Not even Myung Soo.
Somehow, he's beginning to be Delight again.
Never give me mixed fandoms, I always end up with ideas like that *___*.