Jan 13, 2004 12:52
I got laid off again, this past monday...
do the gods have it out for me or what?
still, I was doing a lot of griping (to myself and to all those poor victims out there I pinned down to vent to)
the profession work ethics suck, the cute and perky "roahd Ihland'r" accented gopher got more "attention" and leeeway than the other members of the company....she would run and make his coffee when he paged her on the company cell phone that was designated to her.
the one engineer (female)who's been with the company from day one, informed the owner that she's not coming back after new years because of said gopher, has left the company...tells you just about the level of moral in this place.
the men do nothing but talk racial, sexual, and politically non-correct comments out load and with customers there...
"F### this and F### that" ever other word...
can you feel comfortable when a co-worker makes a remark about your "needing a good man"? or even a "good cucumber"?
I have to make myself feel good about this...
someone tell me that I should feel good about being "laid off" the 4th job in 4 years?
someone tell me that I am worth something somewhere in this field of work!!!
Can someone tell me what to do next?
I hate feeling like this... like my work was less than adequate, or inferior, and it was all my fault.
Like a failure....
maybe I need to find a different line of work again....note the word, AGAIN...
(bummed sigh)