Sep 18, 2007 07:01
School is going well so far.
I'm in the easiest math class ever. It makes me feel guilty because I'm obviously too good at math to be in it. It's really atrocious. He'll explain the first step to a problem (in this thick Russian accent I have trouble believing is actually for real) and it's like this:
Him: add zee numbers in zee columns by going across zee rows horaZONtally like zis...3+5+7=15. You ZEE?
I'm going to stay in it though, just to get my math out of the way. I can't be worrying about it right now and it's too late to switch as far as I'm concerned. It's just that I put new batteries in my TI-84 and that will CLEARLY turn out to be an unnecessary waste of 4 perfectly good AAA's. Like I'll ever need to turn it on.
OH MAN I'm way too busy, though. Well, not TOO busy because I'd rather be busy than have too much free time to waste. My schedule is literally PERFECT. I don't waste ANY time at all and it's so succinct! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. I waitress Tuesday, Friday, and weekend nights, teach 9 students from 2:30-6:30 on Mondays, and teach 2 1-hour lessons on Wednesdays. In addition, I've been playing weddings every weekend so it's been good. I'm never home though, and constantly on the move. I already lost about 5 pounds the first week of school alone.
Yeah, my car was totaled back on August 22nd. I was stopped at a red light minding my own business and this guy just kept driving right into me. Thanks, man. His insurance gave me a decent amount of money considering my car was 8 years old and had a ton of miles. I've been driving cool rental cars for the past 2 weeks (which they also provided) while I try to get a new car. THAT hasn't happened yet. We'll see what I end up with.
I'm loving the music I'm working on in my lessons and in quartet.
Scott visited me this past weekend even though I worked 3 nights and played a wedding/cocktail hour smack in the middle of Saturday. I've been missing him a lot and I was getting stressed and he got nervous that I was going to lose it so he came down because he knew it would make me feel better. Which it did. I'm so lucky to have him. He's SO nice to me it almost makes me feel guilty. o:-)
I guess that's all for now. I have to go do some reading for this honors philosophy class I'm in with Mark. It's cool because the professor's not TEACHING us, he created the class to discuss and develop a thesis for a book he's been writing. He just basically wants to hash stuff out with us and get our ideas and perspectives. I think it's nice that he doesn't already have it all planned out and approach it like, "ok now class, let me tell you how THIS works!" We're more on the same level.