one down...

May 14, 2008 23:27

Woo!!! One exam down, three more to go. Felt like my hand was going to drop off but I did it!! Three more exams and then I'm done - uni finished and hopefully (cross fingers) I'll never have to do another exam ever again!!

But seriously - whoever thought that 3hour exams were a good idea was completely insane and obviously sadistic. Three essays in three wasn't only my hand that hurt. My brain! My poor poor brain. It hurts. But tea helps as does Desperate Housewives.

You know I think your brain deals with exams in a similar way to how, I've been told, your brain works towards childbirth. Completely makes you forget/repress all memories of the horror and pain just to ensure that either you continue doing exams and hence complete your degree, or continue to reproduce. Odd analogy I know, but I think I've gone slightly insane. But its true! Your body forces you to forget pain to ensure you continue doing the thing that you should continue doing for the sake of mankind/your degree. I blame TS Eliot entirely for this thought btw. Yup all Eliot's fault for making me connect exams with childbirth.

I think I should stop now...

:D Sorry for the rambles.

*Edited to add - I saw the first Sex and the City movie trailer on TV today! It looks so good and they all look fabulous! And Big is still there :) Woo! Just hope they don't ruin their 'happily ever afters' that they finished on at the end of series 6. Coz if they do? seriously?! Thats like just bringing back Rose to DW just to kill her. Pointless and evil. I hope HBO are listening (and RTD for that matter!) I suppose if they must do anything, they'll tamper with their endings a little during the film, oh the angst, the woe, and then reconcile them all again. That I can deal with. I feel this is a good comprimise.

rambles, real life

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