
Aug 25, 2006 07:49

So today is my second visit with the ear,nose, and thorat doctor...
I haven't updated in awhile so....
I've been going to pet scan and cat scans the past few weeks and the results have not been well.
I have a total of 5 enlargered lymphonds. 2 in my groin area, 2 in my stomach, 1 right under my chin.
I went to the ear,nose,and thorat doctor because we are going to biopsy this area of my chin to see if this comes out cancerous or non-cancerous.

the good news: if this comes out non-cancerous I won't have to do anymore test and my oncologist is leaving me alone.
the bad news: there is a nerve under your chin which is connected to the lower lip.. If this gets irritated it could be damaged and my lower lip could stay down for 18 months to the rest of my life..

But, if we do this surgery I will be cancer free for the rest of my life?

Would you do the surgery? yay or nay?
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