Aug 14, 2008 18:42
Stepwork Update...
I'm working on Step Nine now, which is a whole lot harder than I thought. Then again, I thought, and that is never a good thing.
In other news...
Things have been so incredibly hectic lately! The days have been so weird and spacey that I am beginning to believe that I am living in a universe that only has one day of the week - Monday.
It's no big. I will just live and deal with it, as always. I just need to stop thinking.
I can hear my sponsor now.
Me: "I've been thinking..."
(interuption of a throat clearing on the phone)
Sponsor: "So, how's that working out for you? You think too much! Just stop thinking and live in this moment."
I have a note taped on my office computer that reads, "Don't think! It gets you nowhere!"
Not thinking is SO hard. Sure, we can clear our minds of anything and everything that makes us angry after a spell or so, but not thinking and clearing our minds totally? Not easy or fun.
For me, it is the equivalent of being on a roadtrip with my ex-husband (yes, I used the word "ex-"!), or any man for that matter. We are lost in the middle of nowhere, yet he has this handy-dandy mobile phone/electronic organizer thingy. All he has to do is make a call to Roadside Assistance. I beg /and/ plead for him to make the call. But, does he? Of course not!
Why? Because he KNOWS EXACTLY where we are going, and we are following the directions he took off some funky, shady maptool website prior to our leaving the house early this morning. Besides, as we know he will say, these are perfectly good directions, and all we need to do is make a left up here at the fifth cactus on the right., because that is what the directions he printed out says.
Not all men will do this, of course, but most I know would (and I can say that with a great deal of expertise, as I grew up one of two girls in my generation of the family on my mother's side - the rest were men). My apologies to all of the GOOD MEN out there who would listen to their loved ones and call Roadside Assistance. You are using the brain that God (or your Higher Power) gave you for good.
That is what it feels like when I try to clear my head and not think of anything, except for life to take its natural course. I am working on getting better though, as I meditate while getting ready for work and throughout my busride to the office in the morning. then again, there really isn't that much else for me to do when I have to get up every morning to get ready and walk to catch a bus at 6:23 A.M.
And if I can't clear my head through meditation the 'deep' way, I enjoy my thoroughly enticing guilty pleasure - people watching through my sunglasses while pretending to read a book. A lot of the things I see in others as annoying I find that I am just as guilty of. With me though, I've never seen it as annoying - until now. I call it meditation learning.
It's amazing the things you find out when you stop thinking and let life guide you, rather than the other way around. It makes it easier to live in the moment; and that's something I haven't been able to do much of lately.
I'm working on it, though...One step at a time.
Until next time...Let go of the drama in your life for a moment. It makes the day a whole lot better!
And NEVER forget
moving forward,
big girl work,
no rules just moments,
on my mind