Children in my hometown (BIG vent)

Jul 09, 2012 09:33

ALL CHILDREN should be celebrated, not just those chosen by you, the public sector, or the media.

ALL CHILDREN are important, not just your chosen upper middle class white kid dying of cancer that you raised money for because you felt he/she was important.

Where are the candles and prayer vigils for ALL CHILDREN living in poverty, abuse, and neglect?

Where are the elected officials when those children need someone to fight for them?

I will tell you.

The elected officials of Memphis were a funeral celebrating the life of an affluent white kid building their constituency and coffers.

None of them showed up for the funeral of a black 3yo toddler allegedly killed by his father.

None of them said anything, including the Mayor and District Attorney (both up for election, FYI), after the media turned off their lights once the toddler was found dead in the local neighborhood dumpster.

They, along with the media, couldn't do NASCAR sprint trials fast enough to get out off the toddler's neighborhood fast enough.

However, affluent white kid dies of cancer, and they line up for miles, as well as take a number to speak at teen's funeral.

Of course, I shouldn't still be surprised by this at 42 years old.

I am, however, and it sickens me.

I'm not venting because people chose race and money first.

I'm venting because no one put ALL CHILDREN first.

This isn't a black/white issue. This is a universal parent issue.

Whether we like it or non, we are all responsible for children, regardless of the fact we gave birth to them. We are all their parents.

Yes, I am aware I'm a nothing more than a sniveling half breed. However, even I know we should put children before anything or anyone else.

Anything else is uncivilized.

Talk amongst yourselves. Unfollow me. I don't care.

I took a big hit for saying this in 140 characters or less on Twitter last week. Oh well.

Thanks for listening.

Until next time...Take care of yourself and stand up for all children.

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