Dec 16, 2011 14:59
This past week has been exceptionally weird for me. Not only have I had to deal with a double ear infection that resulted in two burst blood vessels and the lack of being able to full hear in one hear for at least another month, I've had to deal with the arrival of this unknown thing called "Christmas Spirit" of which you all know I don't take kindly to (even typing the words made me shiver), but also had to deal with folk I usually call NORMAL - those who are alcoholics like me - telling me WHOM to invite to my sober birthday party and WHAT constitutes a family.
Dealing with the first 2...piece of cake! However, please don't take a bite of the cake until I say it's safe.
Double ear infection? Ok, sure..a little frightening to not have any form of hearing for a little over a week and have blood come out of your ears; but, no problem! I've read lips since I was 4 years old, though you'd never know that from my ENT doctor's nurse (the same nurse whom helped take out my tonsils when I was 10!). She still yells as I lipread her today, and I'm 41 years old. That's just funny, and it always makes me laugh when I tell her she doesn't have to yell, because I'm still not going to hear a word she says. *giggles*
"Christmas Spirit"? *pauses as the cold shivers to pass through body* Whew! That's gone. Nothing like the occasional bodysnatchers to keep you doing the next right indicated thing. ;) Do I like the feeling? No, especially since I try to live my life in an era of the spirit of this season year-round since becoming sober, but what can I do? Sometimes, I just have to trust my gut, because God always a better plan for me than I can ever give myself.
Now, on to what has taken up the greater part of my week, and month for that matter...dealing with fellow alcoholics causing me to doubt myself and my beliefs. Totally abridged version: One of my Big Sisters in the program has been constantly asking me this month which family members I'm bringing to my 2nd sober birthday party. When I told her my AA family was all I needed, she replied by telling me that they aren't blood, and I should really invite people who truly know me.
If the formers were easy breezy lemon squeezy, the latter is a HUGE anvil that's been dropped on my head (and not the Wile E. Coyote/Roadrunner kind!).
I mean, seriously?!? Who is she to define me?!? Who is she to tell me that I have bend to HER WILL and not trust my gut?!?
So, I did what any good, educated Southern Belle would do: I went to Twitter and asked my followers. Got a few really good reply tweets back, but still no definition.
So I did what any Good Belle would do next: I went to my old friend, Webster's Dictionary...hrm, 8 definitions, and NONE FIT ME. Next!
Hold on...Webster gives examples...let's take a look. Definitions: No; Examples: No.
At this point, I start to become disheartened. Maybe said Big Sister is right.
All the while, I'm praying these words: A little help, please Father God?
This takes me to the bottom of the defintion page. This is where it gets interesting. I find the word's origin and synonyms. Read for yourself:
Origin of FAMILY: Middle English familie, from Latin familia household (including servants as well as kin of the householder), from famulus servant; First Known Use: 15th Century.
Household, including servants, as well as kin of the householder. (at least I'm getting warm...sort of)
Synonyms of FAMILY: clan, folk, kindred, people, stock, tribe
Clan: Warm
Folk: COLD (seriously with me here)
Stock: COLD (polar ice caps, anyone?)
People: Warmer
Kindred: Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner!!!!!!!!
Kindred...that's what family is! Those whom are like-minded and spirit-minded with one another.
Once I saw that, I knew /exactly/ what to do.
I made a phone call to said Big Sister, and told her that I am more than happy having my AA family there with me as I pick up my medallion. I also told her that just because my family doesn't look like hers, it doesn't make it any less important.
BIG SISTER: "Well, you don't have anything if you don't have blood."
ME: Hate to break it off to you, Big Sister, especially since you're an old timer, but here goes. Sure, Blood makes you a part of a family. But, here's your sign and hold on, that's not what makes you family. LOVE makes you family. HEART makes you family. LOVE and HEART are key to being family. If you don't have that, well...nevermind. I know AA is my family. They love me, and carry my heart when I can't do it myself. If you don't see it that way or be happy for me, please be quiet and eat your cake.
BIG SISTER: I'm sorry. You're right. Who taught you to be so smart?
ME: God, my sponsor, and YOU. Even when you are being a nutty Earth person like now.
BIG SISTER: Still want me there?
ME: Of course! Whom else is going to knock me down the rung when I get the big head looking at my medallion?
BIG SISTER: You are going to be just fine. You teach me every day.
How cool is that! I teach older people in sobriety. Who knew?
Not me...that's for sure.
So, there it is, y'all. 'Q&A, Updates, and What makes a family?', with a bit of family drama thrown in.
But what family doesn't have drama? *laughs*
Ooh! You can take a bite out of my birthday cake now. Hope you like German chocolate. It was chosen by a Little Sister, older than me RL but whom is finally celebrating a year for the first time ever!
Maybe this whole "Christmas Spirit" isn't such a bad thing after all. *chills and shivers running down spine again*
Thank you, God. I needed that one. =)
Thanks for listening, Family.
Until next time...Take care of yourself. This is YOUR moment...Live, Love, Enjoy!
And NEVER forget
this is normal,
moving forward,
my god and i,
little by slow,