Aug 12, 2012 09:38
So I logged on to my email and noticed a few messages from folks concerned that I've been quiet (you love me! You really love me) and - well, yes. But only here. Much as I hate to admit it, I think LJ is more or less a spent force, in fandom terms. And honestly? That's FINE. It happens. It's happened before. I'm logging on intermittently to check on the few people still posting, and to check the mumblemumbles, but I felt like I was posting into a vaccuum (turns out I wasn't, which is nice) but I'm more active on Twitter these days. (Tumblr - I'm on it but I'm not much of a fan. I like DISCUSSION, not endless reblogs.)
Fannishly, insofar as I am fannish about anything right now (it's diminishing, whether I like it or not) I'm watching Teen Wolf, Suits, The Newsroom and White Collar. Not really reading in any of them, but I can definitely see why TW is the new Fandom that Ate Fandom. It's - oh my god! It passes the Bechdel Test and it has positive, totally NORMAL gay characters and POCs and it's about 1000x better than an MTV reboot of some 80s movies probably deserves to be.
The Newsroom is currently the Show of My Heart, even allowing for the usual Sorkin annoyances. Sorkin, for all that he is SHIT at women, and can be a little USA! USA! USA! still gets a hell of a lot more right than he gets wrong.
Saw Magic Mike a few weeks ago. It was hilarious. If you like hot dudes taking their gear off, go see it. If you don't, you should probably save your money. Matt Bomer and Joe Wotzsisname the True Blood werewolf and that guy from one of the Law Shows With Initials In The Title were in it, along with Channing Tatum (who CAN actually dance) and Matthew McCoughnahey who was a) really good and b) really hot and c) I'm biased anyway because he's an animal lover who once rescued a cat from kids who were going to set it on fire, so you know, I HAVE to like him.